Pubblicati da Davide

Unconditional love

Friends can certainly be a source of support and comfort, but if they become the sole source of happiness, then there is a problem. Self-introspection is crucial to understanding our emotions and needs, which are the foundation of any relationship. If we can identify our emotions, it will be easier to express how we feel […]

Sex and vital energy

The relationship between sexual energy and spirituality has been studied in various spiritual traditions and ancient philosophies, such as yoga, tantra, and Taoism. According to these traditions, sexual energy is a form of vital energy that can be used for spiritual purposes and personal growth. To break free from the Matrix, a powerful spiritual and […]

SexTao Love and Orgasm

If you fall in love with a partner for the emotions they make you experience, it is not true love towards them. Love based on “give and take” is not genuine love (a speech unrelated to balance and reciprocal exchange of actions). Self-introspection allows us to better understand our behavior towards others and to determine […]

SexTao orgasmo e dipendenza

Se ti innamori del partner per le emozioni che ti fa sperimentare, non è un vero amore verso di lui. L’amore “del dare e avere” non è vero amore (discorso che non c’entra con il bilanciamento e il reciproco scambio di azioni). L’auto-introspezione ci permette di comprendere meglio il nostro comportamento nei confronti degli altri […]

Sesso ed eiaculazione

La relazione tra energia sessuale e spiritualità è stata oggetto di studio in diverse tradizioni spirituali e filosofie antiche, come ad esempio il tantra e il taoismo. Secondo queste tradizioni, l’energia sessuale è una forma di energia vitale che può essere utilizzata per scopi spirituali e di crescita personale. Per uscire dalla Matrix serve una […]

Keep calm with QiGong

Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice that combines slow and controlled movements, deep breathing, and meditation to improve health and internal balance. In recent decades, Qigong has become increasingly popular worldwide, thanks to its effectiveness in reducing stress, anxiety, hypertension, and chronic pain. But Qigong is not just a physical practice. It is also a […]

Transform skills into potential

PotentialSkills can be transformed into potential by following these steps: Identify your skills: The first step to transforming your skills into potential is to understand what skills you possess. Make a list of all the skills you have acquired throughout your life, both professionally and personally. Identify your goals: Once you have identified your skills, […]

Ictus, brain and mudra (shouyin)

The human brain possesses a remarkable capacity to adapt and change in response to experiences and environmental stimuli, known as brain plasticity or neuroplasticity. This process occurs through the restructuring of synaptic connections between neurons and the formation of new synapses. The practice of mudras can be seen as a form of sensory stimulation that […]

TaiJi XinShen training 2.0

Introducing Taiji XinShen: Unleash Your Body’s Potential through Wing Chun and QiGong Internships Embark on an extraordinary journey with the Taiji XinShen internship program—an immersive experience that will delve deep into your body’s inner workings and unlock numerous benefits. Throughout this course, you will have the opportunity to: Discover Body Awareness: Through a series of […]

WingChun and QiGong Training

Do you want to enhance your mastery of Wing Chun and QiGong? Join our in-depth martial arts workshops, where you’ll have the opportunity to develop your skills in a comprehensive and engaging way. This course offers a unique combination of combat techniques and energetic practices to help you reach a higher level of awareness, strength, […]

Training Course: ZhanZhuang QiGong

Introducing the ZhanZhuang QiGong Instructor Course: Unlock Your Inner Power Embark on an incredible journey with the ZhanZhuang Instructor Course! Designed to take you through six levels of training, this course will lead you to a deep mind-body connection, enhanced energy balance, and extraordinary empowerment. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or new to the […]

Acupuncture and Mudra (shouyin)

The science of neuroplasticity has demonstrated that our brain has the ability to continuously change and adapt based on the environment and experiences we encounter. This means that we can positively influence the structure and function of our brain through learning, meditation, and other practices. Mudras are an ancient and highly effective practice that involves […]