
Yiquan and the Spiritual Connection

May 03, 2024

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Pineal Gland

Yiquan and the Pineal Gland: The pineal gland transcends its conventional understanding in Western medicine, aligning with the beliefs held by ancient philosophers and still upheld by Asian Buddhists and Taoists. They regarded the pineal gland as the locus of the spirit and recognized that the path to divine enlightenment lay veiled within our bodies, specifically through the pineal gland. Western medicine's portrayal of DNA is riddled with ambiguity, even appearing questionable to the discerning eye of a middle school student. It asserts that 90% of DNA is functionless, deeming it "junk DNA." However, it is implausible to dismiss such a significant portion of our genetic blueprint as purposeless, as it contradicts the inherent wisdom of Mother Nature. Humanity remains ignorant of the true essence of being human, attempting to pass judgment and seek answers within the limitations of its own limited consciousness. In truth, we should learn to "feel" without the need for complete "understanding" and to interpret the world not solely through the "mind" but also with the heart.

We exist amidst a vast expanse of unknowns, and it is presumptuous to dismiss something as "junk" simply because we do not comprehend its purpose or lack an understandable explanation within our current knowledge and research methods. To deem the incomprehensible as worthless reflects an unacceptable sin of pride on the part of a "man" who remains unaware of being an "entity" far more evolved than his scientific understanding acknowledges.

Similar to DNA, the pineal gland harbors hidden mysteries that elude scientific comprehension. René Descartes postulated it to be the seat of consciousness, while Taoism elucidates contemplative practices that require adept manipulation of the alchemy of the microcosmic orbit. Through these practices, individuals can connect with the consciousness of their inner "being" and the pure divine essence, transcending the confines of our current vibrational dimension and returning to the Wu (the All).

The pineal gland, also known as the epiphysis, plays a crucial role in meditation as it releases melatonin, a hormone with multifaceted properties. Primarily regulating the sleep-wake cycle, it also influences the secretion of sex hormones and stimulates the immune system.

Several researchers have identified unique characteristics of this gland:

  1. The pineal gland is the only part of the brain that remains singular, lacking duplication.
  2. It possesses a vascular structure.
  3. Over time, the gland produces a sand-like substance comprising hydroxyapatite and aluminum, which accumulates within its confines.

In China, India, and Thailand, the sand-like substance generated by the pineal gland forms "pearls" in the "omniscient third eye" of the Saints, Gurus, and Ascetics. These pearls are prominently displayed on their tombs to signify their "power." My master's master, TingJun, possessed a pinkish "pearl" measuring half a centimeter in diameter on his temple's tomb. Ancient and secretive cultures, which communicated through symbolism rather than explicit knowledge-sharing, depicted the pineal gland as a pine cone. This representation is also placed under the crucifix in the Pope's scepter and in Osiris' scepter, symbolizing the hidden and secretive nature of the pineal gland.

The sand-like substance of the pineal gland exhibits piezoelectric properties based on hydroxyapatite, enabling it to convert vibrations into electrical impulses.

The significance of the pineal gland has not always been concealed from doctors and scientists. In the 1980s and 1990s, Dr. R. J. Reiter demonstrated the influence of electromagnetic fields on the activity of the pineal gland and melatonin secretion. This suggests that the presence of electrical objects or proximity to them hinders the opening and proper functioning of the gland. The pineal gland also produces dimethyltryptamine (DMT), commonly known as the "spirit molecule," capable of facilitating extradimensional and extratemporal journeys for experienced practitioners who have studied the optimal utilization of this gland. DMT, an endogenous psychedelic tryptamine present in many plants and the human cerebrospinal fluid, is released during sleep and dreams when the pineal gland is most active, aided by darkness. The absence of external stimuli allows the brain to relax and escape the visual and cognitive processing it undergoes during wakefulness. Through appropriate techniques, dreams can become lucid and serve as a source of spiritual growth. The qualities of the pineal gland appear divine as they enable us to connect with the ALL.

Recently, researchers have developed the "Helmet of God" (or Divine Helmet), a magnetic headgear capable of inducing a sense of divine contact in the wearer, primarily by targeting the pineal gland. In our daily lives, the pineal gland functions as a closed eye, yet simultaneously represents the renowned "third eye" that mystics strive to awaken through practices like meditation, yoga, and qigong. Although we all possess this gland, we have failed to cultivate its use and have allowed it to remain dormant. As mentioned earlier, the pineal gland can bestow profound joy through mystical experiences, but its activation is not a simple endeavor. Neglected and underutilized for too long, it requires a dedicated and arduous journey of serious and sustained study. A process of rehabilitation becomes necessary.

Through Qigong, the study and cultivation of our energy, we can attempt to awaken this magnificent "eye" that grants us the ability to "see" and "feel" that which typically eludes us. Unlike our ordinary eyes that process reality for the brain, the pineal gland "sees" based on what it feels, unconditioned by the mind's desire for visual stimuli. It remains pure and possesses a clear vision of reality. An ancient and well-protected faculty, it empowers us to comprehend the world we inhabit from a holistic perspective.

In Yiquan, an internal martial art of Taoist origin, as well as in Tai Chi Chuan (Tai Ji Quan), great emphasis is placed on the pineal gland as it represents the final gateway of the "fire channel" through which one transcends into another world, perceiving reality with new eyes. These internal martial arts, including Yiquan and Tai Chi, serve not only for personal defense but primarily for cultivating longevity. All movement principles are rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), aimed at spiritual evolution. In Asian spiritual practices, the pineal gland (the third eye/sixth chakra) receives unwavering attention.

To concentrate the spirit and primordial energy within this gland, it is necessary to cultivate Prana/Qi in the DanTian/Ocean of energy located in the abdominal area. Subsequently, through the propulsion of Kundalini and the fire channel of the Microcosmic Orbit, Qi ascends the spine to the pineal gland. Various delicate yet potent techniques exist, but they should not be self-managed or experimented with alone. The study of alchemy is a profound and intricate path that, if mishandled, can also be perilous.

M. Davide De Santis